published Short stories

They’re Always Playing Reruns of Supernatural on Your Motel Room TV / Wrongdoing Magazine, May 2022 / Shortlisted for the Cinema & Sins Competition

There are two men standing in a motel room on the TV in your motel room. They dig wide-leg jeans out of duffel bags while you unpack a roller suitcase. The men on your TV are trying so hard to be handsome that it has made them ugly. You have been trying so hard to be ugly that you’ve disappeared. [read more]

Roswell/Nebraska / Roi Fainéant Press, May 2022

I wanted to see an alien so I drove out to Roswell, but they didn’t realize I was looking for them until after I left town. It was three days later, in a Doubletree in Nebraska, when the lights finally flooded my vision and the creatures came out to say hello. [read more]

Jeff / BOMBFIRE Magazine, July 2022

I christen you Jeff so you won’t be nameless in my fantasies. I name you after a Siken poem, after the blood on your knuckles, after a years-old broken promise. You’re a black eye bad boy, Jeff, the kind of man I always wanted to love, if I could only just convince myself of that. [read more]